The acronym stands for “Softskill Performance Management“. The number refers to the year of foundation.

We are active throughout Europe, both virtually and in person. In the last three years alone, we have been on the road in seven countries at various locations. Our trainings and coachings ususally take place in German and English, but we also have other language skills in our team.

Our methods are effective wherever people organize and communicate with each other. We have implemented projects in various industries (healthcare, cosmetics, IT services, etc.) and always adapt to the customer and his needs. In the field of telecommunications, high requirements and complexity come together. Processes, reporting, working with numbers and derivations are extremely sophisticated. Other industries can benefit from this knowledge.

Since for us the focus is always on people, we are not limited to working in corporate groups. SMEs benefit from our eye for diverse approaches to solutions and our experience in dealing with complexity. We offer entrepreneurially flexible approaches tailored to the requirements of these customers.

Yes, our open seminars are also available for private customers. If you are interested in an individual offer, please contact us.

We let ourselves be measured by our results and work together with you to achieve the goals. With us, you achieve a sustainable increase in your company’s key figures due to pragmatic and individual solutions. We establish at least the return-on-investment of your qualification measures. For this we calculate a business case based on a deeper analysis of your figures (targets, current figures, target achievement of the last months, benchmark etc.). As a rule, the bonus/penalty for performance projects is +/- 20%.

The personalities of employees and managers are diverse, the corporate culture colorful, and the work structures complex. Achieving sustainable change without throwing the proven and established overboard and leaving people behind takes time and can only be done with a coordinated variety of methods and using multiple levers. Our approach interlocks and is coordinated to meet precisely these requirements. In short: If something complex is to be changed, a complex approach is also required, not just simple training.

Specifically, this depends on the requirements, the goals and the use of resources. In general, our training courses have a practical component of approx. 70% and up to 50% take place in day-to-day business. One-on-one coaching sessions are also scheduled at approximately 60% in the workday. However, certain formats (e.g. team building in management development) explicitly require leaving the regular working structures.

If the commitment to training is to pay off (return on investment), it must be sustainable. Our goal is to establish a self-sustaining system and to bring new behaviors to people in a sustainable way. In doing so, we use the momentum of change management processes. On the other hand, we take care not to leave any scorched earth behind and to make all employees and managers who are to carry on what they have learned responsible themselves.

The exact number of deployment days and trainers as well as their distribution depends on the concrete requirements and resources, the set goals and framework conditions. We do not offer off-the-shelf solutions but create an individual offer based on your profile.

SPM 2000 selects the trainers because we are responsible for the result. We are not a classic agency, because we do not work with network trainers, but train all trainers ourselves. We always work as a team, never alone.

For us, training, coaching and project work cannot be converted one-to-one from analog to digital. The didactic and methodological requirements are sometimes extremely different. This can be seen, for example, in the length of training units, the use of media, or the frequency of contacts. In our experience, hybrid projects should be conducted in presence at the beginning (building up the relationship), during special events (both positive and negative), and for very complex issues.

We bring changes to companies with our projects. This transformation is methodically accompanied by us during a defined period of time. Even seemingly small changes, such as working on sales skills, can bring unrest to companies as certainties are lost. Our change expertise is a critical component of our work because it enables sustainability.

People’s attitudes are the foundation on which we build our business development. Our job is to challenge them, persuade them, and pick up individuals where they stand. In doing so, we will not optimize every attitude, but look at the attitude of the majority of the >60%. The support and cooperation of managers is essential. Because without a role model and improvement mentality, there is no fertile ground for our measures. We initiate the change in awareness and implement it together with the managers. >

Soft skills are the soft factors that develop personalities, make cooperation productive and bring professional skills to bear. In our opinion, they are the foundation for any professional and sustainable implementation: a volatile performance is usually a soft skills issue, not a professional issue. The conscious use of soft skills enables an enormous spectrum of new behaviors. We train factors as diverse as self-management, team skills or media competence.

The alternating current principle combines the top-down and bottom-up approaches. The top-down approach means the cascading of objectives and procedures from the top down. The bottom-up approach promotes the development of solutions and the assumption of responsibility from the bottom up. We are working to establish both principles to maximally mesh all levels of hierarchy, increase repeat series, and leverage perspectives from both sides.

Commitments increase trust: in oneself, in each other, in the company. To achieve this, they must be implemented correctly, i.e., they must be developed at eye level, made transparent, and tracked responsibly. We define commitments using the SMART method (Specific, Measurable, Attractive, Realistic, Timed). In the coaching sessions, we work together with the coachee to develop his or her personal goal. And we use this method to make teams live up to group responsibility. A commitment is a self-agreement or consensus between coachee and coach/trainer or manager. Methodically, it is to be distinguished from the target agreement, which is specified by the executive/management.

Teambuilding is an essential success factor for the successful cooperation of groups. We achieve team spirit, motivation and resilience not only through outdoor action and fun activities. The integration with the daily business, the ability to deal with conflicts, and the ability to agree on common goals are also part of it. By performance teams we mean HighPerformanceTeams, with high responsibility and under strong pressure to succeed. Together we work on the last centimeters of cooperation on the basis of psychological analyses and create a strength-based team that is flexibly aligned with the goals in the corporate context.

We work with existing key indicators, examine them for meaningfulness, establish suitable auxiliary indicators and, if necessary, new ones based on our experience. For each requirement (e.g. improvement of leadership skills), we establish the link to corporate goals (e.g. customer and employee satisfaction). This link can also be indirect and act as a control number.

Numbers make the complexity of the corporate world tangible. Not just for us, but broken down in the right way for every employee as well. We focus on the three most important KPIs. They provide orientation, transparency and security. They are a very important tool for management work, because we take great care to ensure that they are psychologically tangible for every employee, regardless of their qualifications and the framework conditions. Experience has shown that three key figures work best, regardless of who is working with them or how the day is going. For our internal reporting with clients and staff departments, we like to record more KPIs and work with additional auxiliary key indicators. We always focus our work and our approach on goals. Within the scope of projects, hundreds of decisions have to be made and a selection has to be made from dozens of methods. In doing so, we always orient ourselves to the goal, every step, no matter how small, goes in the determined direction.

We break down major goals into achievable milestones, which we link to clear measures. In doing so, we check on a weekly basis whether these are making a difference. We make time for weekly exchanges, bringing people together to learn with a view to solving the problem as well as best-practice sharing. Repetition leads to the team learning to work with milestones. Teams get into a routine and learn how to keep checking to see if actions are working and they are hitting their weekly goals (=milestones)

Specific tasks that managers, teams or employees set themselves are the engine of change. It is important that these are clearly defined (who, does what, until when, how exactly), supported with examples and visualizations, and always focused on a realistically achievable (interim) goal. If the action can be implemented by outsiders without further explanation, then each team member can do it as well. Comprehensibility is the basis for the success of a measure.